Chapter 6

Mastering Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation

“When it comes to capitalization and punctuation, these two aspects of grammar instruction can be the most frustrating for teachers, especially at the secondary level when students should know how to use these skills properly. Yet, is this just a formality? Teachers often blame “text speak” for these two commonly misused skilled. However, through the use of text messages, social media posts – and the use of Google Documents – students can collaborate and reflect on how changing punctuating and using capitalization where necessary can change the tone and voice in writing. In addition, students can learn to differentiate between formal and informal writing while learning how to code switch effectively.”

Resources Noted in Chapter 6

Grammar Girl

Ideas from Our Class Conversation on Commas and Semicolons:

Where will the comma and semicolon come in handy for you?
Commas Semicolons
I know now that when I am doing my myth I need to make sure I have a coordinating conjunction where I may have a comma splice I don’t like to type a lot when I text, I could use the semicolon to replace the word and – less typing for me 🙂
I never thought about the fact what I was doing was called a comma splice. I could just separate my sentences. A semicolon could be used to shorten down the number of characters in Twitter, especially if you didn’t have enough.
I’m thinking Facebook! I don’t tend to think about punctuation on Facebook, but I don’t want to eat grandma like Mr. Hyler’s shirt says.

(Let’s eat, grandma/Let’s eat grandma.)

Semicolons can help me when I have too many commas in my sentence and I tend to do that.